(English) Eco-Innovation Call in the EU Programme CIP
CIP is the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme of the EU. The programme supports innovation activities including eco-innovation. The CIP runs from 2007 to 2013 with an overall budget of € 3621 million.
The eco-innovation initiative looks for innovative ideas for products, services and processes that protect the environment ready for use by business and industry. Eco-Innovation is especially important for SMEs.
There are main strands to this initiative:
• Materials and process recycling;
• Buildings;
• The food and drink sector;
• Greening business (including green procurement);
• (Water)
Funding: 50%
Call Opening: 28.4.2011; Deadline: 8.9.2011
Eligible partners: 27 EU member Countries, Turkey, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Israel