(English) Opening the LLP for international cooperation AUS KATEGORIE


(English) Opening the LLP for international cooperation

The EU Program LLP (Lifelong Learning Program, 2007-2013) contributes through lifelong learning to the development of the Community as an advanced knowledge-based society.

2010 is a pilot year which will enable experience to be obtained in the opening of the programme for third country participation over the next two years. The following Sub-programmes are open to Third Country Participation:

COMENIUS Multilateral projects, COMENIUS Multilateral networks

ERASMUS Academic Networks, ERASMUS Structural Networks, ERASMUS Curriculum Development Projects, ERASMUS Modernisation of Higher Education, ERASMUS Co-operation between Higher Education Institutions and Enterprises, ERASMUS Virtual Campuses

LEONARDO DA VINCI Multilateral Projects, LEONARDO DA VINCI Development of innovation, LEONARDO DA VINCI Multilateral networks

GRUNDTVIG Multilateral projects, GRUNDTVIG Multilateral networks

KA 2 Languages: Multilateral Projects New materials / online courses / awareness raising, Multilateral networks

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Andrea Fenz
E-Mail: fenz@skills-int.com