Entirely dedicated to human resources in research, this Specific Programme has a significant overall budget of more than € 4,7 billion over a seven year period from 2007 until 2013.
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF)
– within Europe
Deadline: 16.08.2012
Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
– for mobile researchers who are active outside Europe and want to establish their expertise in Europe
Deadline: 16.08.2012
Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF)
– for mobile researchers who want to do research in a host organization outside Europe
Deadline: 16.08.2012
Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (CIG)
Pauschalförderung von Forschenden in Europa und den assoziierten Ländern, die seit kurzem in einem fixen Anstellungsverhältnis stehen.
FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG 2nd Deadline:
For more information about the FP7 – PEOPLE programme see here…