Intelligent Energy Europe – Projekte zur Forcierung von Erneuerbaren Energien & Energieeffizienz AUS KATEGORIE


Intelligent Energy Europe – Projekte zur Forcierung von Erneuerbaren Energien & Energieeffizienz

Einreichschluss: 24. Juni 2010 (17.00h Lokalzeit Brüssel) – nur online Einreichung!

Geförderte Projekte: Generell: Capacity building; building and spreading of know-how, skills and methods; exchanges of experience; development of market and intelligence; policy input; awareness raising and information provision; and education and training – in folgenden Bereichen:

  1. Energy efficiency and rational use of resources (SAVE)
    Energy-efficient buildings (actions to improve the operational efficiency of non-residential buildings & to improve the energy management in multi-residential buildings)  & consumer behavior (awareness campaigns, market surveillance activities etc. for Eco-design & energy efficient products)
  2. New and renewable energy sources (ALTENER)
    Renewable Energy Sources electricity (integration of renewable electricity into the market/grid, improvement of authorization procedures, analysis and monitoring of policies etc.), RES in buildings (biomass, geothermal and solar systems for heating, cooling and electricity) & Bioenergy (local/regional bioenergy plans, investments in bioenergy, promotion of biomass products, encouraging use of biogas)
  3. Energy in transport (STEER)
    Energy efficient transport (actions including freight distribution, energy-efficient driving schemes, integrated urban mobility plans & safe walking/cycling) & capacity building and learning on energy aspects of transport (teaching at academic level, promotion of mutual learning of practitioners & employees of administrative bodies, staff exchange, training and capacity building for staff of local agencies etc.)
  4. Integrated initiatives
    Local energy leadership (large scale networking & capacity building activities of local/national/international authorities, direct exchange of experience between authorities -> development of sustainable energy action plans) & Strengthening capacities for financing of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in housing (development & implementation of tailor made financial schemes, e.g. revolving funds, to improve the energy performance of buildings, transfer of best practice, staff exchange & technical assistance)

Förderbare Kosten: direkte Kosten (u.a. Personalkosten, Reisekosten, Kosten für Subaufträge, Kosten für Workshops & Veröffentlichungen) & indirekte Kosten (Kosten für Infrastruktur & Verwaltungskosten, Gemeinkosten als 60% der Personalkosten)

Konsortium: mind. 3 Partner, aus 3 verschiedenen Ländern

Förderquote: max. 75% der anerkennbaren Kosten

Projektdauer: max. 3 Jahre

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Petra Busswald