Deadline: 16 April 2013, 17.00 hours local time Brussels
Target group: all type of partners, thematic programme information and communication technologies
Call identifier, indicative budget: FP7-ICT-2013-11 / 236,5 million. Topics called:
- Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures, ICT-2013.1.1 Future Networks
- Challenge 3: Alternative Paths to Components and Systems, ICT-2013.3.1 Nanoelectronics, ICT-2013.3.2 Photonics
- Challenge 4: Technologies for Digital Content and Languages, ICT-2013.4.2 Scalable data analytics
- Challenge 6: ICT for a Low Carbon Economy, ICT-2013.6.1 Smart Energy Grids, ICT-2013.6.3 ICT for water resources management
- Challenge 8: ICT for learning and Access to Cultural resources, ICT-2013.8.2 Technology enhanced learning
- Future and Emerging Technologies ICT-2013.9.9 FET Flagship Initiatives (b)
Submission: Online-submission Research and Innovation Participant Portal
More info on FP7 calls: CORDIS Website